22 Januari 2010


heyaaaaaaaaaaa!just edited my blog header uuuu i really into this tv show!THEY'RE JUST AWESOME!ahahaha and i fell in love with Glee too, funny and cute show hahaha..all of you must be wondering why the hell i post this with title R..

hmm where do i start?well R is an alphabet (duh?!) and the first alphabet that belongs to someone's name :D definetely i can't mention he here it's just too frontal ahahahaha anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he goes to the same school as me (that's the only clue i'll give you) hahaha mmm maybe at this point you'll consider me as stalker cause he doesn't know me :( i bet he doesn't even realized i'm exist huh. that's bad i know, but what should i do?i don't have the guts to say hello (i don't even dare to stare his eyes) the truth is i'm afraid!!!!i'm afraid he doesn't like me or i'm not his type (pathetic huh?)

well love sucks just like Damon said hahahaha i hope he'll know me someday..cause i think this one is serious, i don't want to like another girl's boyfriend and i don't want to be "the third person (orang ketiga -_-)" hhhhhhhhfffft that's just my ironic life..i can handle it tho, this awkward situation when he's around or when i pass him at hallway but yeah sometimes i "over-react" i'm panic!!!!!dude imagine someone you like is in front of your class and your friend just say "ehem..ehem" THAT'S SICK YA KNOW?! and that's embarassing too -_____-

ohkay enough with this love stuff i don't really like to tell it here hahaha but i don't have story to tell so yeah see ya reaaaaaaaaaaaallly soon bloggies (i hope)


16 Januari 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!MAY GOD BLESS US IN THIS NEW YEAR :D semoga semua menjadi lebih baik lagi ya ditahun 2010 iniiii amiiiiiin (hehe maaf ya telat) okay recap cerita aja gimana hehehe jdi gue taun baruan di mandarin hotel dengan view bunderan HI yg super-duper rameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee huahuaahah ya intinya gitu hihi terus apa ya oh iya gue ulang taun ngga dikash selamet sama.............................. T,T sedih huhu gpp deh hehehe well resolusi gue tahun in adalah:


hahahha yah initnya itu sebenernya sih dr taun ke taun resolusi gue juga sama itu2 doang huhahahaha adoh mau cerota apa lagi ya?hmm kayanya bakalan jarang posting di blog nih huhu jd mendingan buat para fans gue semua (najis) follow twitter gue aja yaaaaaaa :) hehehe soalnya lebih sering update dan cerita disitu -,- maklum lebih simple hehehe oke deh itu aja yah hihi byee see ya reall soon (i hope) blogeersssss muuaaah :*