26 April 2009

i love my pet (in pet society) so muuuuuuch!

oh man i really fell in love with this game!especially when new things come out, and new application! masa sekrang bisa buat foto petnya gituuuuu lucu bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeet kan!!!gue aja bikin fesbuk cuma gara-gara ketularan main pet society doang ahahha adoooooooooooooooooh kalo ada barang baru keluar gue cuma bisa tereak "SOOOOO CUTEEEEEE" hahaha biasanya gue sama Antia tuh yg paling seneng haha gara0gara dia juga gue jd demen nih game hahaha eh i want to give you some details about my pet:

name: Daisy
gender: Female
age: 3 month (the same as my facebook age hahahha)
favorites: anything pink and purple, new things in pet society, hang out, hugged my friends, dress up!

kay and i want to show you my pet's picture hih enjooooooooooy!

my bedroom (sooo cuteee huh?)

and these photos below are some of my pet cutest outfit (i know soooo cuteee right?!)

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