19 Desember 2011
one year later..
okay you can kill me................. lol no kidding. sorry for being absent for like almost a year!! its been a roller coaster year for me :) anywaaaaaaaaaaay saya sudah resmi mahasiswa!!! dan semester satu hampir berakhir (doakan UAS saya ya!) and yep! thank you for all your prayer guys i'm officially a yellow jacket! saya menjadi bagian dari mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi universitas indonesia 2011 :"""" i'm proud of myself! kekekeke gue tau gue telat tp........ hehehe terimakasih ya semuanya :) dan semester satu saya ini diwarnai dengan berbagai canda, tawa, senang dan juga duka. terlalu banyak lah untuk diceritakan satu2. intinya i love my new family :") dedikasi tinggi lah buat #kom11 HEHEHEHEHE dan besok saya ulang taun~~~~~~~~ 18 taun men. tua yeee hahaha. semoga harapan2 saya yg belom terkabul ditaun2 sebelumnya bs terkabul dalam waktu dekat ini.. amiin! hmm btw GUE MAU NTN SS4 SG LOH FEBRUARI (pamer dikit) HEHEHEHEH ikut yuk yuk yuuk HAHAHAHAHA like finalleeeeeeh!!!! so basically i hope everything will be alright. and oh to some people, before you judge me try to at least know me. basically your opinion is irrelevant because you guys didn't know a thing about me. you may say i'm the bitch here but hey let's be real. who's the one talking behind somebody's back right now? hahahaha been there and done that too. so yeah no need to worry, fyi i sometimes hold grudges too and those tinyyyyyyyyy feeling sometimes didn't vanished. OKAY that's enough of ranting here. i may not be around soon, there's exam coming in 2 weeks!!!!! OH GOD PLEASE AT LEAST MAKE MY GPA GOOD! okay signing out now! bye and have a nice christmas and happy new year fellas!!
27 Desember 2010
things that you missed:
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! how's everybody going? good huh? well i'm sorry for being so lame never update this thing. its just because i'm too busy!!!! my life is now full of studying! well i'm at 12th grade now so yeah studying is a must.. btw its the end of semester holiday and i want to say this: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! before too late hahaha oh yeah i'm 17 nawwwwwww hehehe awesome right? i'm legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal yeeeeehaaaaaaaa!!!!! kekeke~ and i think i spend my 17th birthday wisely, it was a fun party hehehe thanks everyone! btw i'm uploading the picts now. its taking soooooooo long the fuck man hahahaha oops i just said the f word. okay moving on, i'm still the same nothing changed (well except the fact that i'm 17 years OLD now) yes still got no boyfriend HAHAHAH uhmm what else what else oh yes i'm still obsessed with kpop hahahaha no medicine fo' that yo! (okat what the hell cas) uhmm i think that's all you need to keep up with me.
oh yeah i want to say this too: SCREW AGE GAP!!!!! the reason behind it? its a secret huahahahahaha there's something to do with a certain someone and the certain someone is.................................... SOMEONE! HA! gotcha! okay stop messing around now, i believe you should stop reading my blog hahaha cause i think this would be like my last post! hahaha or maybe i'll post something if something happen with that certain someone i just talked about hahaha.. okay so just follow my twitter! @calissacassa but i'm warning you i tweet what i like and everyday madness going on with my life so just deal with it! haters to the left! (especially kpop haters, cause i tweet A LOT about kpop) okay now ciao! see ya soon (i suppose)! :D
oh yeah i want to say this too: SCREW AGE GAP!!!!! the reason behind it? its a secret huahahahahaha there's something to do with a certain someone and the certain someone is.................................... SOMEONE! HA! gotcha! okay stop messing around now, i believe you should stop reading my blog hahaha cause i think this would be like my last post! hahaha or maybe i'll post something if something happen with that certain someone i just talked about hahaha.. okay so just follow my twitter! @calissacassa but i'm warning you i tweet what i like and everyday madness going on with my life so just deal with it! haters to the left! (especially kpop haters, cause i tweet A LOT about kpop) okay now ciao! see ya soon (i suppose)! :D
03 Oktober 2010
HI EVERYONE I'M REALLY SORRY FOR BEING SO LAME FOR NOT UPDATING MY BLOG :) anywaaaaay annyeonghaseyo! hahahaha yes i'm still addicted to kpop and stuffs like that hahaha deal with it okay?! i don't need haters or antis hahahha shut the hell up hahahha uhmmm well there's nothing going on lately..
everything is the same, still single and available (?) HAHAHAHA okay so i'm pretty busy with school.. school sucks!! but then again.. i need education to survive hahaha oh yeah COMING SOON: BULUNGAN CUP XII Are you ready for winter?! support us please :D
ummm what else, i don't know.. my life is kinda in a boring state right now because of all the busy schedule and kpop things hahaha just follow my twitter for more incoherent-random-can't-shut-my-mouth updates ;)
kamsahamnida! saranghae :)
everything is the same, still single and available (?) HAHAHAHA okay so i'm pretty busy with school.. school sucks!! but then again.. i need education to survive hahaha oh yeah COMING SOON: BULUNGAN CUP XII Are you ready for winter?! support us please :D
ummm what else, i don't know.. my life is kinda in a boring state right now because of all the busy schedule and kpop things hahaha just follow my twitter for more incoherent-random-can't-shut-my-mouth updates ;)
kamsahamnida! saranghae :)
20 Agustus 2010
please listen to my wishes!
my biggest wish right know are: accepted at Fisip UI, graduating high school with a great score, adn WATCH SUPER SHOW 3!!!
sebenernya rencana awal mau nonton di Spore, tapi........ sepertinya Allah berkehendak lain.. di Spore bulan januari, padahal gue bulan desember mau ke Spore sama keluarga besar dan udh ngerencanain mau ntn SS3 disana. ternyata jadwalnya januari............. (semoga dimajuin AMIN). sumpah rasanya lebih sedih daripada sakit hati T______T mungkin karena taun depan Leeteuk sama Heechul mau masuk army :""" kemungkinan (kemungkinan nih ya denger-denger) ini bakalan jadi Super Show terakhir sampe semua member selesai wajib militer :"""" gimana gue ga patah hati coba???!
mau liat Kyuhyun.... mau nonton sushow... mau liat suju live... MAU KYUHYUN!
please God i'm begging you :" buat promotur-promotur di Indonesia, kalian liat sendiri kan? waktu hari minggu kemaren ELFs (fanbase-nya Suju) Indonesia bikin trending topic #indonesiawantsSS3 dan bertahan sampe 7 jam!!!! kalian liat sendiri betapa powerfulnya Elf!!!!! dijamin ga bakalan rugi deh kalo ngundang Suju kesini! gue tau pasti harganya mahal banget dan cari tempat buat lebih dari 5.000 orang itu susah tapi dijamin Super Show would be the awesomest and the biggest concert in Indonesia! so please bring Super Junior to Indonesia!!
sebenernya rencana awal mau nonton di Spore, tapi........ sepertinya Allah berkehendak lain.. di Spore bulan januari, padahal gue bulan desember mau ke Spore sama keluarga besar dan udh ngerencanain mau ntn SS3 disana. ternyata jadwalnya januari............. (semoga dimajuin AMIN). sumpah rasanya lebih sedih daripada sakit hati T______T mungkin karena taun depan Leeteuk sama Heechul mau masuk army :""" kemungkinan (kemungkinan nih ya denger-denger) ini bakalan jadi Super Show terakhir sampe semua member selesai wajib militer :"""" gimana gue ga patah hati coba???!
mau liat Kyuhyun.... mau nonton sushow... mau liat suju live... MAU KYUHYUN!
please God i'm begging you :" buat promotur-promotur di Indonesia, kalian liat sendiri kan? waktu hari minggu kemaren ELFs (fanbase-nya Suju) Indonesia bikin trending topic #indonesiawantsSS3 dan bertahan sampe 7 jam!!!! kalian liat sendiri betapa powerfulnya Elf!!!!! dijamin ga bakalan rugi deh kalo ngundang Suju kesini! gue tau pasti harganya mahal banget dan cari tempat buat lebih dari 5.000 orang itu susah tapi dijamin Super Show would be the awesomest and the biggest concert in Indonesia! so please bring Super Junior to Indonesia!!
24 Juli 2010
I'm currently addicted to......
KPOP! well especially Super Junior! aaaaaaaaaaa i love them soo much :3 they're sooo awesome! lagunya bagus, gayanya keren, suaranya oke, dancenya mantep, dan mereka ganteng-ganteng! kurang apa lg cobaaaaaa????? adooooh gila deh pokoknya! gue emg pertamanya ga suka tp pas ngeliat di mtv kok keren banget ya? kok ganteng-ganteng? abis itu gue coba mendengarkan lagu-lagunya......
eh langsung jatuh cintaaaa terutama sama yg namanya Kyuhyun! adooooh dia ganteng bangeeeeeeeet! mana suaranya bagus banget lagiiii uwaaaaa gua gilaaaaaaa! plis jangan ngatain mrk gay soalnya mereka ga gay! gue tau sih dancenya suka adak ngilfilin tp........kalo lo udh dengerin lagunya dan liat video clipnya bener-bener pasti langsung jatuh hati! jangan berpikiran negatif duluuuuuuuu! gue sedang beracuni temen-temen sekelas dengan korea tp belom berhasil (doakan ya semoga berhasil!!) heheheheeee ohya masih banyak lg kpop yg keren contohnya: SNSD (Girls Generation), Wonder Girls, 4-Minutes, SHINee, 2PM, Big Bang daaaaaaaaaaan yang lainnya! heheheeh jadii maaf ya kalo gue bakalan bacot korea di twitter atau segala macem hehe karna lg addicted banget nih (kaya waktu bbf gituuuu hahaahha) oh ya ini mau ngasih liat fotonya Suju sm Kyuhyun enjoy! :D

and this is my handsome boy Cho Kyuhyun :) my favorite, my beloved handsome boy!

eh langsung jatuh cintaaaa terutama sama yg namanya Kyuhyun! adooooh dia ganteng bangeeeeeeeet! mana suaranya bagus banget lagiiii uwaaaaa gua gilaaaaaaa! plis jangan ngatain mrk gay soalnya mereka ga gay! gue tau sih dancenya suka adak ngilfilin tp........kalo lo udh dengerin lagunya dan liat video clipnya bener-bener pasti langsung jatuh hati! jangan berpikiran negatif duluuuuuuuu! gue sedang beracuni temen-temen sekelas dengan korea tp belom berhasil (doakan ya semoga berhasil!!) heheheheeee ohya masih banyak lg kpop yg keren contohnya: SNSD (Girls Generation), Wonder Girls, 4-Minutes, SHINee, 2PM, Big Bang daaaaaaaaaaan yang lainnya! heheheeh jadii maaf ya kalo gue bakalan bacot korea di twitter atau segala macem hehe karna lg addicted banget nih (kaya waktu bbf gituuuu hahaahha) oh ya ini mau ngasih liat fotonya Suju sm Kyuhyun enjoy! :D
this is Super Junior (13 members: Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-In, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, Kyuhyun) but currently there's 3 members aren't active (Kang-In, Han Geng, and Kibum).

and this is my handsome boy Cho Kyuhyun :) my favorite, my beloved handsome boy!

26 Juni 2010
my favorite football players!
he's my favorite football player ever!! he's Germanys' captain (but not for this year) he got injury after playing with Chelsea (and its his last match with Chelsea!) now he signed contract for 2 season with Bayern Leverkussen. good luck baby :)

and here's the rest of my list:

they all talented football player, young, cute, hot, and handsome! I LOVE YOU ALL :)
the one and only: Michael Ballack (Germany)

and here's the rest of my list:
David Silva (Spain)

Marko Marin (Germany)

Iker Casillas (Spain)

Joe Cole (England)

they all talented football player, young, cute, hot, and handsome! I LOVE YOU ALL :)
13 Juni 2010

WORLD CUP 2010! I SCREAM FOR GERMANY, I LIVE FOR GERMANY, VIVA LA DEUTSCHLAND! oh my God! i'm sooooooooooooooooooo excited for World Cup! as always i'm with germany! what let me down is my beloved Michael Ballack won't participate in world cup, he got injury after playing with Chelsea against Portsmouth for final FA cup. get well soon Michael Ballack :)
first match for Germany is tomorrow 14 june on 1.30 wib (against Australia) i bet they're gonna win! GOOD LUCK NATIONALMANNSCHAFT!

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